Inclusive Event Planning

This page centralizes resource links for inclusive event planning and hosting, including both on-campus and off-campus resources. If you have any feedback, would like to see additional resources added to this document, or if a link is not functioning properly, please contact Event & Conference Services via email at

  • Have speakers use a microphone for loud and clear communication
  • Use closed captions for presentations
  • Ask your guests in advance what accommodations they may need
  • Plan ahead! Coordinate services and resource requests in advance
  • Announce when the event begins and ends
  • Introduce yourself and any guest speakers, assistants, interpreters, and any other service providers (identify pronouns)
  • Describe the room layout and location of emergency exits, food/beverage tables, and restrooms
  • If applicable, consider food allergies, preferences based on religion and beliefs, vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, gluten-free, dairy-free food options
  • Avoid using strobe lights and unusually loud sounds
  • Ensure visual/audio content is large and loud enough
  • Face the audience when speaking
  • Use inclusive language
  • Keep hands & other objects away from your mouth when speaking, speak loud & clear, use a mic if possible
  • Incorporate pauses to allow participants to process the information
  • Check for questions or concerns throughout the event
  • Incorporate breaks if applicable
  • Ask for feedback during and after the event